Kat Kiseli


Starting Whole30

I am a cliché when it comes to New Years’ Resolutions. I started Whole30 like a lot of other people out there... Because I feel like a glob of regret after the holidays. I have some advice on what helped me successfully get started with it and not feel incredibly overwhelmed by the change. If you are interested in Whole30, this might save you a lot of time and stress. I even attached the grocery list I used! For the record, I am in no way affiliated with Whole30. These are just my opinions and recommendations from personal experience.

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Whole 30
Self-Care Tips

The Single-Person Case Study

If you are a person who consistently tries to tackle new goals to improve yourself but instead fall into traps through new trends, fads, or all-or-nothing thinking… you are like me and may save time and save money from reading my blogs. Who knows? You may stop a habit that is not helping you or pick up a new hobby that benefits you.

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The Single-Person Case Study