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 Project ME Therapy Blog

Kat Kiseli Burnout and Life Coaching
ProductivitySelf-Care Tips

4 Productivity Myths that are Holding You Back from Success

Productivity Culture is BS.

Yes - Read that again.

Productivity Culture. Is. BS. Society has made it a reward to be so “productive” to the point that you burn yourself out. But, that is not really productive, now is it? Let’s dissect three big things that you are hearing in society that may be masked as a productivity hack but is really just another way you are burning yourself out.

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Listen To The Podcasts I’ve Featured In…

You’ve Worked So Hard to Get Where You Are – But Are You Missing the Point?

You convince yourself that once you get that next promotion or accomplish that next milestone, you’ll finally be able to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
You constantly yearn to use your time as effectively as possible. But the relentless pursuit of success is never-ending.
And, you’re TIRED…

Support to Break Free From the Trap

I’m Kat, Your Expert Life Coach

As a go-getting, high-achiever, I know what it’s like to always be racing for the next milestone, yet never being satisfied.

A prestigious FBI job, a  fitness competition-ready body, my own townhouse, a Master’s degree in Counseling, and a loving partner should have felt like I made it.

Yet, I was still ANXIOUS AF and felt like I needed more. 

What happens when you reach that finish line and realize you’re still not happy?

It’s my mission to help you re-energize and reclaim your passion for life and empower you to make real change in a way that helps you find your ultimate happiness and create a path forward on your own terms.

Kat Kiseli, Performance Coach

What’s Your Mental Fitness IQ?

Instant access to my free mental fitness guide. Strengthen your capacity to be more present and less reactive

Get the 101 on what mental fitness is, why it’s important and tactical steps to improve your cognitive wellness by entering your details below…

Mental Fitness Training Guide, Kat Kiseli
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